
Walk your talk.. One step at a time!

Do you claim health is important to you–then skip the gym for 6 weeks? Do you believe being productive is important, but work only on the night before a deadline? Do you believe relationships are important but let your social life stagnate? How do you close that gap between what you value and how you behave? I’m far from perfect. Like everyone, I make mistakes and often fail to live up to the things I consider important. Imperfections are part of life. I think it’s sad that some people feel that because being perfectly consistent with your values is impossible, that there is no point trying to debug the inconsistencies. Some self-improvement cynicism is the result of demanding the impossible, expecting perfection instead of progress. Unlike a computer program, your software can never have zero-defects. Instead, try to think of self-improvement as trying to reach 98% bug-free. You will inevitably fail to meet your values some of the time, but those errors won’t matter too much in the lo

Mental Health

anxiety /aŋˈzʌɪəti/ noun  “a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome.” Well, Anxiety is much more than what google defines it to be. It is more than just a feeling of worry or nervousness. Anxiety is like a voice in your mind, with thoughts rotating in circles, getting louder and louder each time, until it gets to a point where you start hating yourself and questioning your abilities. Your psychological state is more important than the exam, the interview, the lunch, the family dinner, the office meeting or any other run for that matter.  Figure yourself out. You are not alone. You should never be ashamed of something you are going through because most of us are struggling with something. The outward appearance might not show it but internally we are all fighting a battle.  Do not listen to the negativity being spewed around you, You are doing your best and that is all that matters. Stay strong. And always remember, there are

Secularity: A myth

Yesterday, while I was out with my friend, standing outside another friend's place, I experienced something that has brought splashes of thoughts in my head since then. Three kids who probably live in the same locality, standing right behind us, slowly started murmuring, 'Pakistan chor hai' (Pakistan is a thief) and something more that we couldn't hear. Hearing this, I and my friend shared a glance and ignored. He kept saying that slowly, I turned back to look at him once, the other kid standing next to him motioned him to let him know I was looking. We were just about to enter the door when he shouted again (deliberately) and this time even more loudly, 'Pakistan chor hai'. (Pakistan is a thief) We did not react, because they were just kids, not more than 10-11 years of age. But the reason he was shouting that, was because I was standing there, in a hijab, and he thought I belonged to Pakistan. The incident may sound funny, but when you look at the dar

Love yourself first.

Loving and trusting yourself is the first and foremost step that makes you a better person and brings quality to your life. It's all about being honest with yourself. If you trust yourself , you do not have to worry about people trusting you. Sacrificing who you are, just because someone has a problem with it, is not worth.  The second important thing that comes after self love, is not caring about what people say. As soon as you start loving yourself and ignoring what people say, you will know how to live peacefully. When someone hurts you or breaks your trust, it forces you to either blame the world, or to look internally. It forces you to accept that trust and love are always, always blind leaps of faith with the understanding that people will let us down, they will hurt us, and we will likely do the same.  When someone has broken your trust, don’t focus on adjusting the measure of how you place your attachments and predominantly, don’t just think that you now know the secret

Life isn't perfect, but it sure is good.

What’s meant to be will be. Life isn’t perfect, but it sure is good. Have Patience. Don’t let your heart get attached to something that isn’t meant for you. It’s not always good to wear your heart on your sleeve. It’s good to express your love, happiness, fear or any emotion that you go through but not everyone in your life deserves to be aware of your feelings. If something/ someone leaves your life, it’s only because something greater will replace it. Stop thinking that the world is over and that you can’t live anymore because the people you loved have left you. The truth is not all the people who come to our lives are meant to stay. Some enter your life to stay and some to leave. I know it hurts, It really does. It feels like it's the dead-end, like there’s nothing left in life, or your life doesn’t have a meaning anymore. But trust me, everything happens for good. Right now you may be hurt. But one day you’ll look back to this phase of our life and laugh at how naive we


I can accept failure, everyone fails at something, but i can’t accept not trying.   - Michael Jordan When it comes to talking about motivation and trying, how can I not mention Michael Jordan? He was left out of the basketball team just because he was 5’9’’ at that point in time. He took this as a challenge and never gave up. He took out time from his everyday schedule and practiced daily without fail. Soon he was 6’3’’ and was a part of the gold-winning team in the Olympics. There are thousands of people like him and stories around us to look for. Life is hard. Yes, it is. But the hard times bring the best out of us. All we have to do is to not stop trying. The basic step of achieving what you want is to pick yourself up. Things may seem unfair at first. But overcoming these obstacles leads to acceptance, acceptance towards your potential, willpower, and your strengths. What I believe is to make yourself your own best friend at that point in time. Let yourself know that you are not


If you search for the definition of a mother, Wikipedia says: “Mothers are women who inhabit or perform the role of bearing some relation to their children, who may or may not be their biological offsprings” A woman becomes a mother when she gives birth to a child and becomes a stepmother when she raises somebody else's child. Here, this little girl in the picture lost her mother when she was four. Her father got married to another woman who now has the responsibility to raise her, who now is her 'stepmother’. She has a story that will send cold creeps down your bones. She is Nisha, my neighbor, about ten years of age. She asked me if I could teach her mathematics, so I asked her to come home after school time. Are you wondering about the brown colored patch on her face? it's neither allergy nor an infection, they are the burns given to her by her stepmother. Now wondering why? Heh, nothing much, she just asked for mere five rupees before going t