
Showing posts from 2016
While on a survey with a friend, in a rural area of my city, I found something that actually sent a frightening chill down my spinal cord. Talking to people there made me feel the agony they were going through.  Big families. Less money. No education. Interminable excruciating problems. She is 'Phono'. I smiled after I heard her name. She laughed and said it was her grandparents who gave her this old name. When I asked this lady the total members in the family, she said 'seven'. Kids? Six. The 7th member was her! Her husband died when she was 7 months pregnant. At present, she has a two months old baby. Among the other kids, the eldest one was not more than 8 years old. None of them were sent to school. We asked her what she did for a living, she said Daily wage work.  But it was difficult for her to leave her 2 months baby and other children alone in the small hut they lived in.  She said, if she was lucky, she would get some work in a nearby place that would sat

Something that made me smile! :)

In small cities, bus travelling is irksome! Buses are filled with people pushing each other. Here's an incident that took place while I was travelling alone from Lucknow to my home town.  There was so much of traffic on the way and the bus was stuck from the last 15 minutes. It was summer and I always kept a water bottle with me that had ice that would not melt until my class hours. This was the trick told by Maa, which I called magic as a kid. She used to wrap an icy frozen bottle with a towel hanky and tied it with a poly-bag around it. This way I had cold water till the end of the day in my school days. So, in the bus, I was sitting on the front window-side seat. Suddenly, I heard someone shouting 'Paani thanda paani' I looked down to see, it was a boy, barefoot, not more than 8, selling water bottles. He was continuously yelling and looking for someone who would buy a bottle from him. Though I had my own bottle, feeling pity, i took one from him. It was for 25 Rs. I ga
"she abdicated her duties towards her family" they said.  it was by then, she stopped anticipating her dreams.
A parantha fell down the kids hand who was going to school, early morning, with a heavy bag on his shoulder. The other kid with a heavy bag found it and had the brightest smile on his face. It had been two days stuffing the bag with garbage and he finally found something to eat. 


                              He, who was not in her world, but in her words,                                               became an immortal soul. She?   She was a writer


It was raining outside, standing by the window pane, she could smell the aroma of soil which she loved. she was delighted by rain. irony, she never saw one!


               trust got pregnant.Love was born.


Someone told me, wishes if written on paper boats and sailed in rain water puddles, would be read by god and fulfilled. my wish was fulfilled. it was read by my Dad   :)