
Showing posts from 2018

Life isn't perfect, but it sure is good.

What’s meant to be will be. Life isn’t perfect, but it sure is good. Have Patience. Don’t let your heart get attached to something that isn’t meant for you. It’s not always good to wear your heart on your sleeve. It’s good to express your love, happiness, fear or any emotion that you go through but not everyone in your life deserves to be aware of your feelings. If something/ someone leaves your life, it’s only because something greater will replace it. Stop thinking that the world is over and that you can’t live anymore because the people you loved have left you. The truth is not all the people who come to our lives are meant to stay. Some enter your life to stay and some to leave. I know it hurts, It really does. It feels like it's the dead-end, like there’s nothing left in life, or your life doesn’t have a meaning anymore. But trust me, everything happens for good. Right now you may be hurt. But one day you’ll look back to this phase of our life and laugh at how naive we


I can accept failure, everyone fails at something, but i can’t accept not trying.   - Michael Jordan When it comes to talking about motivation and trying, how can I not mention Michael Jordan? He was left out of the basketball team just because he was 5’9’’ at that point in time. He took this as a challenge and never gave up. He took out time from his everyday schedule and practiced daily without fail. Soon he was 6’3’’ and was a part of the gold-winning team in the Olympics. There are thousands of people like him and stories around us to look for. Life is hard. Yes, it is. But the hard times bring the best out of us. All we have to do is to not stop trying. The basic step of achieving what you want is to pick yourself up. Things may seem unfair at first. But overcoming these obstacles leads to acceptance, acceptance towards your potential, willpower, and your strengths. What I believe is to make yourself your own best friend at that point in time. Let yourself know that you are not